What we do
We use the power of creative storytelling to share the gospel in a wide range of public settings.
OAC GB is a team of Christian Evangelists who love to share our powerful message both visually and verbally. This can be on the streets; in schools, churches and prisons; at New Age festivals; at children’s clubs or youth camps – in fact, anywhere people get together.

We use a huge range of creative methods to capture people’s attention. These include sketchboarding, escapology, Gospel magic, photography, street preaching, puppetry, one-to-one conversations, and more.

Street evangelism
One of our core focuses is open-air evangelism – simply finding people where they are and sharing the gospel creatively. We operate an attractive approach to street evangelism that encourages people to stop, listen to our presentations and want to find out more!

Working with churches
We’re here to serve the church – whether that means engaging in evangelism with you, or for you, or helping you with ideas, training or strategy. We’d love you to get in touch so we can discuss how best to help you in your local context. Find out more about what we offer churches.

Working with schools
We run a significant schools ministry supporting primary and secondary schools with their RE teaching and helping them to meet their collective-worship requirements. Each term, we bring fresh, interesting lessons and assemblies to many thousands of children and young people. Find out more about what we offer schools.

Evangelism training
We believe that one of the primary roles of the Evangelist is to train and equip others. We’ve developed a free online Evangelism Essentials course to equip all Christians to be more confident in sharing their faith. We also offer a free online Children’s evangelism course called It’s Child’s Play to help you more clearly communicate the gospel to young people.
As well as our online courses we also offer practical, in-person training courses in street evangelism and evangelism with children.

Just ask!
If you’re looking for some creative ideas, someone to speak at an evangelistic service or to lead a mission, run a holiday club or to train and encourage your team – please contact us.