London Go Mission
Since 2018 we have run the Go Mission in conjunction with K180. The aim of the mission is that over 5 days teams will head out to preach the gospel at every property and station on the Monopoly board.
Many of these locations are not natural locations that you would choose to do Open Air evangelism but each year we have found that God uses us at each location to meet with people that we otherwise would not have come into contact with and this year’s mission was no different.
The 2024 Mission
Each day the team would meet at The Angel Church for worship, prayer and a devotional before heading out to the locations for that day. The team would split into two groups and between them they would head out to preach at 6 different locations each day, except for the Saturday where they would do a slightly longer time at the final two locations.
It was fantastic this year to have so many people on the teams that meant that some days there were 30 people going out to share the gospel. During the outreaches we used a combination of sketchboard preaching, preaching on the red box, magic, music and testimonies. Each locations provide challenges of their own from the Old Kent Road, which is essentially a series of bus stops on a busy road outside a Tesco supermarket, to the predominately Muslim area of Whitechapel or preaching next to the statue of Eros on what is essentially a busy road interchange at Piccadilly Circus! However, at each location the gospel was proclaimed, tracts and gospels were handed out and we had great conversations with people that did not know Jesus.
Please pray for all of those we spoke to, but especially:
- A Sri Lankan man who missed the gospel presentation but asked what it was all about. After being told the message he still had questions but the team was due to be moving on from Pall Mall to Bond Street and so he asked if he could travel with them. He kept asking questions during the journey and then after arriving in Bond Street decided that he wanted to give his life to Jesus and so some of the team were able to pray with him. Please pray as the team follow up with him that he will be able to find a church and grow in his faith.
- A lady in a mobility scooter who the team met in Euston and again at Kings Cross. She was originally from a Catholic background but upon hearing the gospel wanted to trust in Jesus and took a John’s gospel to read.
- A man who was visiting from the Netherlands and after talking for a while was happy to take and read a gospel.
- A lady who is currently in a recovery programme and was looking for God. She was happy to take a gospel tract and a New Testament in order to find out more.
If you would like to join one of our short term missions please check out the page on our website to find out how to register.