Mission To Truro
Following on from the success of our first Mission to Truro OAC decided to hold another one again this year. As with last year the plan was that the centrepiece of the mission was going to be a double decker bus from Wave House Church, Newquay. This was going to be parked outside Truro Cathedral and provide a base for a lot of the outreach.
Unfortunately, just days before the mission was due to start, the bus ended up in the garage. Despite everyone’s best efforts it was unable to be repaired in time for the mission. On top of this a number of people that were due to be part of the mission had to pull out due to illness either with themselves or their spouse.
It was looking like all the planning was starting to unravel. However, we knew that God had a plan and we continued expecting to see Him do great things.
The 2023 Mission
On top of the issues with the bus and the team, the weather report was looking bad. Scattered showers and strong winds were expected but the team still headed out for the mission. Despite all the adversity, the team had many great gospel conversations out on the streets. In many ways the uncertain weather helped. The team often ended up speaking to tourists who, in better weather, would probably have been at the beach rather than in the centre of Truro.
Despite not having the use of the bus the gospel was still shared in many different ways. Sketchboards, magic, the true or false board, personal conversations and music were all used throughout the mission to share the gospel with those people wandering through the streets of Truro.
Even on days when the team felt that things hadn’t gone as well, we were still encouraged. Every day we were able to come back to City Life Church, where we were based, and fill at least a whole flipchart sheet of paper with the names of those that we’d spoken to.
Please pray for all of those we spoke to, but especially:
- A shop worker who eavesdropped on a conversation that one of the team was having with someone else. She said that she wanted to become a Christian but didn’t want to get in trouble with her boss. One of the team was able to speak to her at different points during the mission and gave her a New Testament which she was spotted reading when her boss wasn’t looking!
- An older lady who was still grieving 26 years after her husband had died. She felt that she had lost her faith because she had always been told be good and God will help you. After the gospel was explained to her she was eager to pray to receive Christ.
- A young guy who believed that God existed but admitted that he’d never really thought any more about. After a conversation explaining the gospel he took a gospel of John to find out more.
- A man whose father was a Christian and who grew up in church. He had drifted away from God but was interested after hearing one of the sketchboard presentations. He willingly received prayer and an invite to a local church.
If you would like to join one of our short term missions please check out the page on our website to find out how to register.